Michael C
This picture features the seven main characters in a book titled Taikareian Express 935. This is a Christian fiction book based on the adventures of the two characters in the center. The woman is Skai-Li and the man is Kael, her husband. Starting with the left panel and moving clockwise there is Light-Speed, Redemption, Rizen, Kopy-Kat, and Kowl. These characters are a family. That’s why five out of the seven are in panels. When Kael and Skai-Li look into the mirror when they see their family. All seven characters know that without one another they will not be able to accomplish their goal. This is and will be Quantum Comics, Inc’s flagship book with the hopes to build many stories from this universe. Like other comic heroes my goal is for everyone to know Kael’s name and his crew. My inspiration for this picture comes from this company being my future and I have the chance to share that future with all of you now in the present.
Thank you,
- Michael C
Family Reflextions